Creative DIY Paper Toys for Developing Fine Motor Skills in Children

Creative DIY Paper Toys for Developing Fine Motor Skills in Children

Children spend most of their childhood glued to screens.
To encourage children to move away from screens, we recommend introducing them to - DIY paper toys.
They are a fun and creative activity that gives them the chance to use their hands to create something out of nothing. This in return makes them feel a sense of accomplishment and joy.
It’s also a great way to improve fine motor skills and encourage imaginative play amongst children.
Creative and easy paper crafts can keep kids occupied for hours!

So let’s look at some more benefits of paper crafts for kids -

Benefits Of Paper Crafts For Kids

Between cutting, folding and glueing paper - kids find a medium to express themselves. But these activities also build a child’s imagination and other skills. Along with being fun and educational, these DIY paper projects help in many other ways. Here are some of the benefits of introducing paper crafts for kids.

  • Improve problem-solving skills

To make homemade paper toys, children must follow detailed steps and complicated patterns. This is a good way to help them become more confident of their problem-solving abilities while they also gain spatial awareness.

  • Support cognitive development

The entire process of making DIY paper projects can boost a kid’s cognitive abilities.
Following paper toy templates requires children to remember multiple steps. This improves their memory. Further, the complex nature of these projects require careful attention to detail. This improves the kid's ability to focus and notice small elements.

  • Encourage social interaction

To optimise the benefits of making creative paper crafts for kids - invite friends and family to join them. It motivates children to do teamwork, communicate better, and teaches them the idea of sharing.
The more the merrier. 

  • Reduce screen time

Hands-on activities like paper crafting is a great alternative to TV and phones. They are as engrossing, but without the unhealthy addiction and blue-light. Such activities also promote healthier habits among kids.

  • Provide therapeutic benefits

Repeatedly cutting, folding, and glueing can have a calming effect. These actions lower stress and anxiety levels. They also give a sense of relaxation.

Easy DIY Paper Toys 

Some fun paper activities include making  -

  1. Paper aeroplanes
  2. Paper animals
  3. Origami butterflies

Materials needed

Here are all the materials you need in your arts and crafts kit to make these crafts -

  • Paper (printer paper, cardstock, construction paper)
  • Scissors
  • Glue (stick or liquid)
  • Markers or crayons
  • Ruler (for precise folding)

Skillmatics UK offers mess-free children’s craft box that include all the aforementioned necessary materials. These Skillmatics DIY kits are convenient and fun for a kid’s paper crafts session. You don’t have to worry about sourcing individual supplies with these kits.

The following are a few step-by-step instructions for your little one to learn how to make paper toys.

Step-by-step Instructions To Make a Paper Aeroplane Toy

These guidelines should help you make educational paper toys with your kid today-

  1. Take a paper and fold it in half, lengthwise. When you unfold it - you will see a crease.
  2. Fold the top two corners down to the centre crease. This will form a triangle at the top.
  3. Fold the triangle down so the point meets the bottom of the paper.
  4. Fold the new top corners down to the centre crease, creating a smaller triangle.
  5. Fold the small triangle at the bottom up over the two flaps to lock them in place.
  6. Fold the plane in half along the original centre crease, with the flaps on the outside.
  7. Fold each side down to create wings, making sure they are even.
  8. Adjust the wings to ensure they are straight and level. Your paper aeroplane is ready to fly!

Step-by-step Instructions To Make a Paper Cat Animal Toy

Follow these simple steps to make an easy DIY paper cat-

  1. First, draw a large oval on a paper for the body. Then a smaller circle for the head, four thin rectangles for the legs and two small triangles for the ears. Finally draw a long thin rectangle for the tail. Cut out all the shapes. Cut out all the shapes.
  2. Paste the head onto the top of the body, the tail to the back, and the legs to the bottom. 
  3. Paste the ears to the top of the head.
  4. Now draw the rest of the face - a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth. You can also add whiskers if you are feeling extra creative.
  5. Make sure all parts are securely glued.

Step-by-step Instructions To Make An Origami Butterfly

These butterflies are so beautiful, you’ll want to hang them in your room -

  1. Fold the paper diagonally in both directions to make an X shaped crease 
  2. Create a cross crease by folding the paper in half horizontally and vertically. Unfold the paper.
  3. Push the horizontal and vertical creases inward to collapse the paper into a triangle.
  4. Fold the bottom corners of the triangle up to meet the top point.
  5. Fold the top layer of the top point down to the bottom edge.
  6. Turn the paper around. Fold the bottom point up to create the butterfly’s wings.
  7. Gently adjust the wings and flatten any creases. Your origami butterfly is complete!

Safety Tips To Keep In Mind While Introducing Your Kid To Easy Paper Crafts

DIY activities are fun. But they can cause minor accidents. So better be safe than sorry. Remember to -

  • Don’t leave your kids alone with sharp tools like scissors.
  • If your child is below 12, give them safety scissors with blunt edges. You can also help them cut out difficult shapes.
  • Clearing the workspace of any sharp objects or clutter that comes in the way would help prevent accidents.
  • Store scissors and other tools safely after use.
  • Teach children to cut paper with the scissors facing away from their bodies.

By following these instructions and safety tips, you can enjoy creating easy paper crafts safely.

Mess-Free Arts & Crafts Activity Kits from Skillmatics

Crafting with Skillmatics is easy because you can choose from a range of mess-free arts and crafts activity kits. These are perfect for creative play without the worry of cleaning up. Here are our two popular products:

  1. Foil Art

This kit lets children create shimmering Unicorn and Princess foil art. It comes with pre-printed templates and colourful foils. It's an easy and fun way to make stunning artwork without glue or paint.

  1. Fun with Foam

Kids can design and decorate their favourite objects with reusable stickers. This foam activity kit includes a wide array of stickers. It encourages creativity and imaginative play.


Easy paper crafts act as fun and educational activities for children. They can use simple materials and develop multiple skills. Along with benefits like improved fine motor skills, cognitive functions, and reduced screen time, it promotes imaginative play. Ensure you follow the necessary safety guidelines for using sharp tools like scissors and your kids can enjoy the wide range of possibilities that come with making DIY paper projects!

Along with art and craft kits, Skillmatics UK bring you an amazing collection of Stem toys and puzzles for kids

FAQs for DIY paper toys

What types of paper can I use for DIY paper toys?

Different types of paper can be used to make DIY paper toys. These include printer paper, cardstock, construction paper, and origami paper. Use cardstock to make durable paper toys because it is thick and sturdy.

Are DIY paper toys safe for young children?

DIY paper toys are safe for young children. But adult supervision is necessary for toys that need the use of scissors. For very young children, use pre-cut shapes and glue sticks instead of liquid glue. The best option is to use mess-free arts and crafts kits for them.

How can I make my paper toys more durable?

The best way to make them last longer is to use thicker paper like cardstock. You can also further harden the joints and edges with extra layers of paper or tape.

Finally, try brushing the finished toy with a liquid transparent adhesive or sealant like Mod Podge.

Following these steps should definitely make your toy more resistant to wear and tear.

Can these paper toys be made with recycled materials?

Yes, they can be. Don’t throw away your old magazines, cereal boxes, and scrap paper that you collect throughout the week. Instead, use them for the next paper toy craft session.

This is an excellent way to teach kids how to be resourceful and make eco-friendly products. But ensure the recycled materials are clean and safe for crafting.

What skills can children develop by making DIY paper toys?

Children can develop a wide range of skills. These include

  • fine motor skills 
  • problem-solving skills
  • cognitive skills 
  • patience and creativity
  • Self-expression and emotional expression
  • critical thinking
  • Imaginative thinking

How can I store my finished paper toys?

Store the finished paper toys in a dry, cool place to avoid damage. Use containers, boxes, or plastic bins to keep them organised. Use labelled drawers or shelving units to store larger collections. Display some of the toys on shelves or in shadow boxes. This will showcase the craftsmanship while keeping them safe.

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